Argent Twilight Tier List – Best Heroes

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By Parth

Are you looking for a tier list guide for the Argent Twilight? Well, then you have landed in the right place. In this article, we have listed all the characters in Argent Twilight and divided them into different tiers depending on how well they are doing in the current meta.

Argent twilight is a new RPG tactical battle game where you are required to make your own team and fight in epic battles. The game is developed and published by the NEXON company, famous for their works like MapleStory and Darkness Rises. 

One of the aspects that players love and enjoy about the game is the diversity of characters/ heroes that this game can offer. The game has many different characters, so tier lists are required to help players choose the best characters. Below we have created the perfect tier list for the Argent Twilight and ranked each hero based on their performance. So let’s begin,

Argent Twilight Tier List – Best Heroes

We have divided the heroes into four different tiers based on their performance. The tiers are listed below:

  • S Tier- Overpowered/ Best in The Game
  • A Tier- Good
  • B Tier- Decent in Certain Situations
  • C Tier- Below Average/ Weak

Now that you know about the game’s different tiers let us discuss each one before looking at the tier list. The S-tier heroes are the overpowered ones and possess the power to change the outcome of battles.

Meanwhile, A-tier heroes have a more accessible drop rate and are decent in combat situations, so picking between A-tier and S-tier can be tricky sometimes. Meanwhile, the B-tier ones are good only in certain conditions, so they are good as substitutes. And finally, the C-tier heroes are the ones you should avoid at all costs in the game, and you should replace C- tier heroes with any other hero/ character in the game.

Remember that the tier list given below is just a representation of the meta or how certain characters are performing in the current meta; the tier list should not dictate how you should play your game. If you like certain characters, play with them, as the most important thing while playing a game is having fun. So let us first take a look at our S-tier heroes in the game Argent twilight.

1. S- Tier Heroes

S Tier- The S tier is the highest ranking that we have given. If you have any heroes which belong to this category, then you are lucky as they are the most powerful ones in the game.

S Tier Argent Twilight

Honest DjurWindAttack
Brave AsehaFireControl
Brave Isabel FireAttack
Hardy DjurLightAttack
Reckless AlcyFireAttack
Honest PhantomWindAttack
Stern EinidLightAttack
Sweet AsehaWindControl
Snobby DjurDarkAttack

2. A- Tier Heroes

The A tier is the second rank that we have given the Heroes that are very powerful in the game but less powerful and effective compared to the S-tier heroes. The A-tier heroes are not bad as they are just slightly less powerful when compared to the S-tier.

A Tier Argent Twilight

Callous AlcyWaterAttack
Brave DjurFireAttack
Defiant JacquesDarkControl
Cryptic AlcyDarkAttack
Callous DjurWaterAttack
Caring JuliaLightAttack
Jolly ElektraFireSupport
Elegant ElektraLightSupport
Lax AlcyWindAttack
Pure AsehaWaterControl
Serious AlcyLightAttack

3. B- Tier Heroes

The B tier is the third position on the list, and the heroes listed here are not bad in the sense that they are only powerful or useful in certain situations. This makes their use very limited.

B Tier Argent Twilight




Jolly CelestialFireSupport
Impish CleoWindControl
Smart CelestialWaterSupport
Impish CelestialWindSupport
Zealous ParaFireDefence
Lonely CleoWaterControl
Sweet AsehaWindControl
Zealous CleoFireControl

Read More: 

4. C- Tier Heroes

The C tier is the weakest position in the list, and it would be clever to avoid them as much as possible. 

C Tier Argent Twilight

Lax EinidWindSpeed/ Assasin
Brave EinidFireSpeed/ Assasin
Aloof JacquesWaterControl
Pompous WoonyeFireAttack
Touchy EinidWaterSpeed/ Assasin
Curious ParaWindDefence
Bold ShuloFireAttack
Callous ShuloWaterAttack
Social Bombardier CaptainWindTank
Honest ShuloWindAttack
Wise ParaWaterDefence
Wise WoonyeWaterAttack
Lax WoonyeWindAttack

Notice: If you don’t see certain characters not listed in the tier list, then it is probably because they are too weak or do not provide enough utility in the game.

Knowing which characters are the strongest and which ones are the weakest will help you progress immensely in the game. We hope that the tier list provided in the article has helped you in selecting the right hero based on their performance and your play style. That’s it for this article. If you have any other questions regarding this article, feel free to comment using the comment section below.

Download: Argent Twilight (Play Store)

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